With a national spirit of courage, integrity, sacrifice and liberty, we celebrate the power of pride, courage and faith that we all share as we continue to move forward into what many have quipped as “the new normal”.
Together we can make a difference. Together we will remain strong. Together we will stand united and proud to be citizens of the USA.
Happy 4th of July!
RIDE RECAP!!! (Finally!)
June 26 and 27th brought us the 1st Endurance competition since the COVID19 restrictions went into effect. Cheryl Van Deusen did a great job coordinating all the requirements for the ride to go on. Below is her recap of the weekend:
The new normal in rides can work with temperatures of humans checked upon arrival, registration handled in advance, no meals, and some social distancing. Face coverings were utilized in the vet check area where social distancing is not always possible!
Surprisingly enough, over the two days, we had more entries than normal for the Scenic Spruce Creek endurance rides. It was very HOT and the ‘feel like’ temperature was over 100 degrees each day. We are proud that over the two days, we had only one elimination. Further investigation revealed this horse did not pulse down as it had inadvertently been sprayed with a multi-day oil based fly spray and was not sweating. A little soap solved this problem and it was a learning experience.
Over the two days, we had 21 LD Riders, 8 50 mile riders and 12 Intro riders. We had a 97.6% completion rate again documenting that SE riders know how to take care of their horses.
The winning times for the morning LD rides were 3:53 and 3:39, with a winning time of 4:55 Friday afternoon when it was much hotter! The 50 mile rides were won in 6:59 and 7:23 respectively over the two days. The trail was rerouted to go through the pond and low areas for cooling and also served to slow the trail down.
On Saturday, seven riders from the Orlando Arabian Horse Club came for their first introductory ride. It was great fun seeing the trails through new eyes. They all had a great time and we look forward to welcoming some of them as new SEDRA members joining our rookie program.
A BIG thank you to our vets for taking good care of the horses: Dr. Cheryl Rusin, Dr. Kristi Fox, and Dr. Doug Shearer –and to the Orlando AHA Club intro riders who helped take down ribbons!
A BIG THANK YOU to our ride managers who have sanctioned their rides with us. As of this writing we have 14 rides on the calendar through January. Let’s do our best to support the ride manager and staff every way we can. When you can’t ride, VOLUNTEER! The knowledge you gain from volunteering is priceless.
July 9-12 Broxton Bridge – This has become a popular ride with many of our members for the groomed trails, the gracious hospitality and beautiful facility.
July 30 100 Mile mentor training – Jamestown, TN – Our sister club SERA is offering mentor rides on how to prepare yourself and your horse for a 1 day 100. Limited space available. Sign up early!
Aug 14 100 Mile mentor training – Bankhead, AL – Another opportunity to learn how to prepare yourself and your horse for a 1 day 100. Limited space available. Sign up early!
Aug 15 Leatherwood Mountains – This is the 1st year this ride has been on our calendar and I am SO EXCITED! If you have expectations about ever doing TEVIS, this ride can give you a little idea on what to prepare for. Plus, it’s a beautiful facility too. Rent a cabin & stay awhile.
Aug 28-29 Iron Mountain Jubilee – This ride is beautiful and well managed. I get trail envy every time Nancy Sluys posts videos and pictures of this trail.
To find out more about these rides and others head here: https://www.distanceriding.org/sedra-events/
This year our banquet and meeting will be at the Braised Onion in Ocala, FL. Our maximum capacity is 70 to stay within the current guidelines posed by the State of Florida to keep safe and the restaurant manager.
At this time, masks are not required but are recommended. Whether you choose to purchase lunch or not, you MUST sign up to reserve your spot. We will start a wait list once we reach 70 as unforeseen cancellations always occur. The fastest and easiest way you can sign up is on website here: https://www.distanceriding.org/35th-annual-year-end-meeting-and-awards-ceremony/. Or you can mail back the reservation form when you receive which should be in the next few days.
Stephanie McLean with Purina and Meg Sleeper, DVM will give informative seminars relating to the endurance horse. Always excellent information from both. Depending on size of our group, we may have 2 sessions to keep within a safe distance.
We have door prizes! We have shirts! All sizes and styles now only $12
The chef has provided us 2 wonderful options for lunch: Spinach Salad or Chicken Marsala. Coffee, tea and soda is included with lunch. Potent Potables can be purchased separately.
How do you turn a meeting into a celebration?
You add cake! We will have cake to celebrate 35 years for all to enjoy.
With your attendance and membership renewal you will receive the updated membership book. We have 2 proposed rule changes we’ll be voting on. To vote your membership must be current. Fastest way to renew your membership is here: https://www.distanceriding.org/sedra-forms/sedra-membership-application/
In the next week or so, I will be contacting award winners asking to provide photos of you and your horse(s). If you think you had a pretty good year; please send to Maris NOW at: marisr@aol.com. I have been inclined to “borrow” photos off your Facebook pages when you do not respond.
Coming Soon!
We will have a clinic and ride that is slated to be held in late October in Ocala area that isn’t on the schedule just yet. Look to our Facebook page, website and newsletter for confirmed date and further information soon. The clinic hosts are looking for speakers to share knowledge about distance riding, both endurance and competitive trail. If you are available to speak please let me know. SEDRAPrez@gmail.com
Happy Trails! Chris Littlefield, SEDRA President