
President’s Corner
What do you do in the off season? I allow my horses time to rest from distance training during the heat of the summer and offer other vocations to help create a well-rounded partner and keep their minds and bodies active.
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Let the New Year begin! The membership meeting and awards ceremony was the perfect way to start the SEDRA ride season!
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  May/June 2018 May is full of excitement! Mares delivering their beautiful foals, lush Spring grass creating glossy coats on our horses, beautiful wild flowers in bloom and plenty of competitions to compete in. All too soon it will be 90+ degrees with matching humidity and bugs. Welcome summer. With so much happening in the...
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I don’t know about all of you but when the weather is this lovely, I want to ride, ride, ride!
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March has started with a BANG! There are rides every weekend or so it seems, the weather is near perfect, horses are full of spring silliness and the flowers and trees are blooming. Spring is in the air!
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Happy Valentine’s Month! What a month it will be with love in the air, the sun staying up a bit longer and the temperature starting to rise. Next thing you know, spring grass will be popping up all over. Not soon enough at my place.
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As endurance competitors, I think most of us set similar goals such as: reevaluating our fitness plan, competing in longer distances successfully, possibly starting a new horse and becoming a better horse person for the sake of our mounts.
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November flew by with several great rides offered in different locations. I had the opportunity to compete at the Blackwater Boogie. This was Indy’s 1st 50 5 years ago. He did outstanding this year and I couldn’t have been any prouder.
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November… the time of year that evokes thankfulness. We’re thankful the weather has finally cooled down, competitions have started back in the SE that hopefully will not have triple digit heat indexes and celebrating Thanksgiving with our loved ones.
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September is gone and soon (not soon enough!) the sweltering heat and humidity and the lingering effects of Irma. Most of our membership only suffered the loss of power and the unrewarding task of picking up sticks. Others lost fences, roof corners and gained a pond in their pasture for a short period of time....
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The information found on the SEDRA Riding website, is provided for entertainment and educational reference only. SEDRA Riding and South Eastern Distance Riders Association (SEDRA) does not specifically endorse or recommend any organizations, companies or individuals referenced on the SEDRA Riding website. SEDRA expressly excludes liability for any damage, loss or injury that may be suffered as a result of information or opinions expressed our website.

SEDRA was established in 1984!