Lizard Run IDR/25/50 Lee State Pk, SC

March 8, 2025 all-day
Lee State Park, SC
487 Loop Rd
SC 29010
Michelle or Dan Hancock
Lizard Run IDR/25/50 Lee State Pk, SC @ Lee State Park, SC

Lizard Run Endurance Ride base camp will be located at the arena area located

742 James Davison Heriot Road
Bishopville, S.C. 29010
Coordinates 34.129739,-80.371371

Directions: If approaching on I-20 take exit 116 and head South on US Hwy 15 towards Sumter, Go Approximately 3.5 miles Turn right onto SC HWY 441 towards Shaw AFB. Go Approximately 3 miles, turn right onto Light Wood Knott Road, Go 1 mile turn left onto James Davison Heriot Road, Go approximately 1 mile, turn right into camp following AERC signs. If approaching from Sumter on US Hwy 15 North, at Lee County Line turn left onto Rembert Church Road, Cross SC HWY 441 at Woodrow, go 1 mile. Turn right onto James Davison Heriot Road. Turn left into base camp following AERC Signs.

Follow google directions until you see AERC signs
Camp has different entrance than address listed, so follow signs to camp
All camping is Primitive. Camping Fee of $20.00 per horse per night.

This is a private farm and this is their camping fee for using their facility
All manure to be scattered and all trash must be removed from campsite.

Trails: The trails will consist of woods roads and on the edge of open areas. No sand, some gravel areas of main dirt road. Some elevation changes with rolling slopes.
Intro ride will be one 15 mile loop
25 miles will consist of 2 loops
50 miles will be 3 loops.
All vet checks are at base camp!

For information, contact: Michelle or Dan Hancock at
Phone (803)428-7529 or email:

Please make checks payable to __John D Hancock__.
Mail all Entries to: Lizard Run Ride
2032 Red Hill Road
Bishopville, S.C. 29010

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