
June 1 starts the beginning of the SEDRA season! Our 40th! Don’t forget to renew your memberships before heading to your next ride. Those new horse purchases need to be registered too so they can earn their well deserved awards also. Here’s the link: https://www.distanceriding.org/rider-forms/  
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The 2023-2024 ride season begins June 1, 2023.  Please remember that you must be a current member to vote for the slate of officers, special awards, and proposed rule changes. Renew on-line If you cannot attend the meeting, you must assign a CURRENT member your proxy to cast your vote. Your assignment of proxy must...
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**If you are participating in our Introductory Distance Ride Program or Volunteer Program and you do not see your name listed, please contact the Ride Manager, their information is provided on the ride results link below. It is the Ride Managers responsibility to report all IDR participants and volunteers to us with the ride results.**...
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**If you are participating in our Introductory Distance Ride Program or Volunteer Program and you do not see your name listed, please contact the Ride Manager, their information is provided on the ride results link below. It is the Ride Managers responsibility to report all IDR participants and volunteers to us with the ride results.**...
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With all our bright pink adornments, flamingo pens, flamingo drink holder floats, raffles, Bigfoot poster and a giant TV screen with a photo slide show of our riders, there was no way you could miss us!
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Summer is moving along and many of us can’t wait to start competing again! The SEDRA ride calendar is already full of multiple rides for you to choose from. Now is the perfect time to get your horse, your trailer, your tow vehicle and yourself ready for travel and competitions. I’ve emptied and cleaned out...
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Happy New Year! I’m looking forward to what the new year will bring with optimism that it will be good, even better, great!
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The information found on the SEDRA Riding website, is provided for entertainment and educational reference only. SEDRA Riding and South Eastern Distance Riders Association (SEDRA) does not specifically endorse or recommend any organizations, companies or individuals referenced on the SEDRA Riding website. SEDRA expressly excludes liability for any damage, loss or injury that may be suffered as a result of information or opinions expressed our website.

SEDRA was established in 1984!