
As endurance competitors, I think most of us set similar goals such as: reevaluating our fitness plan, competing in longer distances successfully, possibly starting a new horse and becoming a better horse person for the sake of our mounts.
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November flew by with several great rides offered in different locations. I had the opportunity to compete at the Blackwater Boogie. This was Indy’s 1st 50 5 years ago. He did outstanding this year and I couldn’t have been any prouder.
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Would you knowingly ride a lame horse? Few people would, yet in a recent study, scientists found that nearly three-fourths of study horses had significant motion asymmetry, confirmed by motion analysis.
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Learn how to prevent soreness in your horse on all-day rides with these expert guidelines. Plus: Rider-soreness prevention tips.
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November… the time of year that evokes thankfulness. We’re thankful the weather has finally cooled down, competitions have started back in the SE that hopefully will not have triple digit heat indexes and celebrating Thanksgiving with our loved ones.
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Endurance riding can be an intimidating equine sport. After all, the shortest distance offered is 25 miles long. But a grassroots effort has been growing for the past few years to help the newest riders to learn the sport...
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It is not uncommon here in the southeast to find potluck dinners at rides. Sometimes the Ride Manager will plan a potluck for one night of a multiday. Sometimes the riders get together and have one on a smaller scale.
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September is gone and soon (not soon enough!) the sweltering heat and humidity and the lingering effects of Irma. Most of our membership only suffered the loss of power and the unrewarding task of picking up sticks. Others lost fences, roof corners and gained a pond in their pasture for a short period of time....
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(Point Calculation) GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Breed restricted rides/drives will only count for points in that breed division and lifetime mileage. (Example: Arabian Classic). Rides requiring qualification to enter (such as a championship ride) will count only towards lifetime mileage. All breed divisions must have a minimum of 5 equines (equines, mules or ponies) to compete for...
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Competitive Trail Rides/Drives, Endurance, Limited Distance, and Ride & Tie all count towards life time mileage (subject to awards policy requirements). Rider/Driver only: Rider/Driver enrollment is included as part of the annual membership fee. Rider/Driver must be a current member of SEDRA for mileage to accrue. Equine only: The Distance program is open to all...
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The information found on the SEDRA Riding website, is provided for entertainment and educational reference only. SEDRA Riding and South Eastern Distance Riders Association (SEDRA) does not specifically endorse or recommend any organizations, companies or individuals referenced on the SEDRA Riding website. SEDRA expressly excludes liability for any damage, loss or injury that may be suffered as a result of information or opinions expressed our website.

SEDRA was established in 1984!