Trail Workdays, Rides or Clinics!

 Interested? Need Volunteers? We can help spread the word! If your organization, association, club would like to participate in our program, we can advertise your trail workdays in our newsletters, web site calendar and social media!. You do not need to be a member of SEDRA for us to advertise your trail work days, everyone is welcome! We can hook you up! Contact Caren Stauffer, website wrangler!

You do need to be a member to participate in our awards program.

Only SEDRA sanctioned rides will be eligible for volunteer mileage accrual.  SEDRA clinics and any Trail workdays will be eligible if they are posted on the official SEDRA calendar 30 days in advance.

  • Awards will be given at 250 miles worked, 500 miles, 1000 miles and at 1000 mile increments thereafter.
    • Mileage will be a lifetime accrual.
    • Volunteers need to be SEDRA members, but it is the responsibility of the volunteer to supply current addresses to the awards secretary.
    • Miles worked must be submitted and verified by ride/workday management within 30 days of the ride/workday to Carol Thompson, SEDRA awards secretary.
    • Only the maximum mileage of a one day ride will be awarded, i.e., a 25/50 mile ride will accrue. The minimum mileage accrual per day is 25. Each day worked at a multi day ride may accrue the maximum mileage for that day. SEDRA Clinics and (trail) workdays will receive 25 miles per clinic or workday.
    • Volunteers to check ride results if they were listed as a volunteer by Ride Manager. If not, the member should contact Ride Manager to clarify.

If your organization, association, club would like to participate in our advertising program, GET INVOLVED!

About the author

Need Somthing?  352-392-2229   813-778-3231